Golden oat coconut cookies There’s something deliciously comforting about these cookies – the creamy oats, sweet golden syrup and coconut go together like a dream. They’re so easy to whip up as well! You can add any nuts or fruit you’d like to this recipe, but
White chocolate and berry scrolls If you think cooking with yeast and getting things to ‘rise’ is scary, you have to stop those thoughts right now. It really couldn’t be simpler, and the result will delight you! Just buy a jar of little brown yeast granules from your
Rhubarb, raspberry & vanilla mascarpone sponge cake When my cookbook was launched I was lucky enough to go on a NZ book tour, and I shared the trip with a clever cake baker, Jordan Rondel, who had just released her own cookbook ‘The Caker’. I like her style of cakes – the
Vanilla cupcakes with white chocolate icing They may look pretty and delicate – but I can tell you, grown men have been known to moan with delight tasting these cupcakes. They’re a winner. I’ve taken ‘icing’ to a whole new level and put nearly a whole blo
For my lockdown loaf beer bread, click here! Marmite & cheese beer bread bites The original plain recipe for this bread was handwritten in our tattered Great Barrier family recipe book. Mum had written above it, underlined twice: ‘Easy one bowl no mess operation!’. If that’s