Homemade mayonnaise I reckon every home cook should know how to prepare these two incredibly popular condiments – there’s nothing to it. You end up with a pure product and you know exactly what’s gone in. In simple terms, a mayonnaise is an emulsion (a mixture of two
Ingredients 3 cups jasmine rice 3 cups water 1 x 400g can coconut milk or cream 1/4 tsp salt 1/2 cup shredded, shaved or dessicated coconut – toasted in a dry frying pan until golden (optional) Method Rinse the rice well in a sieve under cold running water for a few minutes to r
Sweet shortcrust pastry recipe This recipe makes enough shortcrust pastry for one pie base in a 25-26cm dish. Just double the quantity if you need a top and a bottom. If you want a savoury pastry recipe, click here. Ingredients 1 1/2 cups (225g) plain flour 1/4 cup icing sugar 125g ch
Shortcrust pastry recipe This recipe makes enough shortcrust pastry for one pie base in a 25-26cm dish. Just double the quantity if you need a top and a bottom. If you want a sweet pastry recipe, click here. Ingredients 1 1/3 cups (200g) plain flour 125g chilled unsalted butter Pinch