Triple chocolate brownie This chocolate brownie recipe is from my first cookbook, At My Table. Who doesn’t love a good brownie? They’re fabulous not only for the obvious reason (i.e they’re loaded with gorgeous chocolate), but also because they’re so quick and easy to whip up. I kicke
Gluten-free ginger & nut slice Forget about the fact this is gluten-free – I’d go so far as to say it could be nicer than the original recipe for my standard Oaty Ginger Slice! It works with a standard gluten-free flour mix (one without raising agent already added) or
Oaty ginger slice (Click here for the gluten-free version) I found the recipe for this slice hand-written over 15 years ago in our family recipe book, way before the internet was around. I’ve since discovered the original version was Jo Seagar’s recipe – an amaz
Passionfruit melting moments When passionfruit are in season, I rejoice – I love their sweet tartness, and the beautiful vibrant orange pulp encasing the crunchy little jewels inside. I love the way the uglier and wrinklier they get, the more delicious they are. And I especially
Gooey little chocolate puddings The great thing about these little beauties is I’ve designed the recipe so you can use in a 12-hole muffin pan – since not everyone has fancy ramekins or moulds. This does mean they turn out quite small, so you can feel justified in devourin