Chelsea’s Creamy Chicken Pie
Since making a grand entrance in my first cookbook, At My Table, in 2013, my Creamy Chicken Pie has become quite the superstar! I’ve lost track of how many messages, emails and Facebook posts I’ve received from people telling me how much they love the recipe (and that warms the cockles of my heart).
Why isn’t it online?
People often request that I post the recipe online – and while I’m tempted, it’s a tricky one for me. On one hand, I believe recipes are made to be shared (you’ll see I have a number of recipes from my books available on this website). However, I do think some recipes kept within the pages of the books are what makes them special. A great number of people have bought At My Table especially for this one recipe, so out of respect for them, I haven’t posted it online.
That’s not to say you have to miss out, though. If you know someone with At My Table, please go ahead and ask them to share the recipe with you (tell them I said you could). I’m sure they would be more than happy to. You can also look for the book in your local library. Or…
Save $5 on a signed copy of At My Table
There are over 85 amazing recipes in my first cookbook (like the Easy Butter Chicken, Mighty Chocolate Cake and Afghans) – the pie is just one of them. If you’d like to buy the book, you’ll save $5 on a personally signed copy by clicking here. If you order both my cookbooks, you’ll also save $10. Then you can get on with making every day delicious.